Ceph RBD Mirroring

Ceph RBD Mirroring

- 5 mins

Ceph mirroring is asynchronously mirrored between two Ceph storage cluster. It provide data replication between two sites for disaster recovery. By locating a Ceph storage cluster in different geographic locations, RBD Mirroring can help you recover from a site disaster.


Setting up a one-way mirror between distinct Ceph clusters: one cluster acts as the source, and the other is the backup.


Create ceph cluster

I’ve two servers and I’m creating two ceph clusters ceph1 and ceph2 using loop device as a OSDs. If you have physical disk you can use them.

Following process apply on both servers ceph1 and ceph2 (change –mon-ip according servers ip)

$ curl --silent --remote-name --location https://github.com/ceph/ceph/raw/quincy/src/cephadm/cephadm
$ chmod 700 cephadm
$ ./cephadm add-repo --release quincy
$ ./cephadm install
$ cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip --allow-fqdn-hostname

Create fake OSD using loop device

$ fallocate -l 100G 100G-DISK-0.img
$ fallocate -l 100G 100G-DISK-1.img
$ fallocate -l 100G 100G-DISK-3.img

$ losetup -fP 100G-DISK-0.img
$ losetup -fP 100G-DISK-1.img
$ losetup -fP 100G-DISK-3.img

# find out loopX number in lsblk or fdisk command output. 
$ pvcreate /dev/loop0
$ pvcreate /dev/loop1
$ pvcreate /dev/loop2

$ vgcreate CEPH-VG /dev/loop0 /dev/loop1 /dev/loop2

$ lvcreate --size 99G --name CEPH-LV-0 CEPH-VG
$ lvcreate --size 99G --name CEPH-LV-1 CEPH-VG
$ lvcreate --size 99G --name CEPH-LV-2 CEPH-VG

Add lvm disk to ceph

$ ceph orch daemon add osd ceph1:/dev/CEPH-VG/CEPH-LV-0
$ ceph orch daemon add osd ceph1:/dev/CEPH-VG/CEPH-LV-1
$ ceph orch daemon add osd ceph1:/dev/CEPH-VG/CEPH-LV-2

Verify OSDs

$ ceph osd tree
-1         0.29005  root default
-3         0.29005      host ceph1
 0    ssd  0.09668          osd.0       up   1.00000  1.00000
 1    ssd  0.09668          osd.1       up   1.00000  1.00000
 2    ssd  0.09669          osd.2       up   1.00000  1.00000

By default, the crush map tells Ceph to replicate the PGs into different hosts. Let’s change crushmap to use replication to osd instead hosts.

 $ ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap.cm
 $ crushtool --decompile crushmap.cm -o crushmap.txt

Edit crushmap.txt file to change replicated_rule to osd.

 # rules
rule replicated_rule {
       id 0
       type replicated
       min_size 1
       max_size 10
       step take default
       step chooseleaf firstn 0 type osd # <---- REPLACE HERE FROM host TO osd
       step emit

Recompile the crush map:

$ crushtool --compile crushmap.txt -o new_crushmap.cm
$ ceph osd setcrushmap -i new_crushmap.cm

Check ceph status. It should be HEALTH_OK

$ ceph -s
    id:     8f982712-b4e0-11ee-9dc5-c1ca68d609fa
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon:        1 daemons, quorum ceph1 (age 19h)
    mgr:        ceph1.bwbexu(active, since 19h)
    osd:        3 osds: 3 up (since 18h), 3 in (since 18h)
    rbd-mirror: 1 daemon active (1 hosts)

    pools:   5 pools, 129 pgs
    objects: 39 objects, 451 KiB
    usage:   892 MiB used, 296 GiB / 297 GiB avail
    pgs:     129 active+clean

    client:   2.0 KiB/s rd, 2 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr

Create “vms” pool on both sites. (We will use this pool for rbd-mirroring)

$ ceph osd pool create vms
$ rbd pool init vms

Deploy rbd-mirror daemon (site-b)

Deploy rbd-mirror daemon using cephadm on site-b only

[site-b]$ ceph orch apply rbd-mirror --placement=ceph2

Verify rbd-mirror daemon

[site-b]$ ceph orch ps | grep rbd-mirror
rbd-mirror.ceph2.ghmncx  ceph2               running (17h)     9m ago  17h    74.2M        -  17.2.7   4c9b44e95067  d509b0a4d145

Enable journaling on site-a

To enable journaling on all new images by default, set the configuration parameter using ceph config set command.

[site-a]$ ceph config set global rbd_default_features 125
[site-a]$ ceph config show mon.ceph1 rbd_default_features

Enable mirroring mode on both sites

Choose the mirroring mode, either pool or image mode, on both the storage clusters. (In our example we will set pool mode on “vms” pool)

[site-a]$ rbd mirror pool enable vms pool
[site-b]$ rbd mirror pool enable vms pool

Check mirror status on both sites. (If you notice Peer status is: none, Because we didn’t form authentication yet)

[site-a]$ rbd mirror pool info vms
Mode: pool
Site Name: 94b146f9-9ef3-4a89-bff1-9746a75d0629

Peer Sites: none

Create Access token for peers

Create Ceph user accounts, and register the storage cluster peer to the pool, This example bootstrap command creates the client.rbd-mirror.site-a and the client.rbd-mirror-peer Ceph users.

[site-a]$ rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap create --site-name site-a vms > /root/bootstrap_token_site-a

Copy the bootstrap token file (bootstrap_token_site-a) to the site-b storage cluster and import token.

[site-b]$ rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap import --site-name site-b --direction rx-only vms /root/bootstrap_token_site-a

Verify rbd mirror pool status on both sites.

[site-a]$ rbd mirror pool info vms
Mode: pool
Site Name: site-a

Peer Sites:

UUID: 25925ad3-bb27-4d08-8a70-abd79b3ffb49
Name: site-b
Mirror UUID: 94b146f9-9ef3-4a89-bff1-9746a75d0629
Direction: tx-only
[site-b]$ rbd mirror pool info vms
Mode: pool
Site Name: site-b

Peer Sites:

UUID: f51a62f1-c176-4ca6-b38f-56afbc822f0a
Name: site-a
Direction: rx-only
Client: client.rbd-mirror-peer

Test RBD Mirroring

Create test file on ceph1 (site-a)

[site-a]$ rbd create myfile1 --size 1024 --pool vms

Verify on ceph2 (site-b). Voilla!!!

[site-b]$ rbd -p vms ls

Check health status of mirror replaying on both sites.

$ rbd mirror pool status vms
health: OK
daemon health: OK
image health: OK
images: 1 total
    1 replaying

NOTES: Journaling doesn’t apply to old and existing files. You can enable journal manually on old files.

[site-a]$ rbd feature enable vms/myoldfiles1 journaling


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